Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Brownwood Reunion Celebration was an amazing "reunion" this year and I felt so fortunate to have the wonderful opportunity to be a part of it.  It was a personal reunion for me with many awesome friends, after being in Colorado for the past year.  Blackbird band was outrageously good and it was gratifying to get to watch them perform and feel such pride for a group that continues to survive no matter what comes along.  
From the first strumming of the guitar to the final stanza of "Freebird", the performance was stellar!!  They had the crowd on their feet and screaming for more by the end of their show.  Here's hoping Blackbird continues to fly high for a long time to come!!

The next performers, from Abilene, Three Shades of Blue, also put on a good show and by the time Rick Springfield took the stage, the audience was primed and ready.  There are no adequate words to describe his part of the show.  He was simply amazing and interacted with his audience in a way that everyone felt they were up on the stage with him.
The next night, Brenda Kay, backed by Three Shades of Blue, started the evening off on a mellow note.  She has such a sweet voice.  Then the Mark Powell band brought things up a notch and prepared the crowd for Wade Bowen to take the stage.  And, it rained.....and the people stayed through the entire show, resigned to getting drenched and enjoying the music.
It was truly a weekend of music, friends and good times that will always be memorable for me, but especially Blackbird's performance.  Outstanding!!!


  1. Love your new blog page! It's really neat. I do think you'll enjoy doing this and it will help a bunch when your book publishes. I'm glad you had a great time in Brownwood. It sounds like Marshal and the guys put on a good show. I'm glad you got to be there and hear not only them but all other good bands. I'd love to hear Rick Springfield. He's sure been in the music business a long time. But as with the Rolling Stones, Willie and lots of other singers they only get better with age. Love you, sister!

  2. Yeah Jan! I'm so glad you are doing this so we can all keep in touch with you as you journey on. Thanks for letting us hitch a ride!
